What to celebrate about?
Today we celebrate the 60th independence day of our country. A glorious day scripted in the history of our nation where we attained freedom from the subjugation of the British rule. We celebrate this day by remembering the people who made great sacrifices to see this nation free so that we the present generation can live breathing the air of freedom with full of self respect and dignity.
Their dream was to see India as a nation which is independent, democratic, secular, where no boundaries of caste, religion, rich or poor exist. A nation which is high on priniciples, moral values and ethics, a society free of corrupt practices, where the leaders selflessly work for the people was what they had envisioned. This vision sparkled in their eyes till their last breath.
But think have we done enough justice in converting this dream into a reality. What tribute are we paying to the people who sacrificed their lives just for the sake of our freedom. Today as a nation how proud do we feel about it? Well it is true that India is progressing. It is making a lot of name in the various sectors like IT, Telecommunications, Retail. It's economy is booming. Lifestyles are improving, spending power of the people is increasing. But does this logic extend to all the sections of our society. Answer is a definite no.
Development means not buliding big structures and starting to have a great lifestyle. Just look at our villages. They comprise about 70 percent of our country. How much attention do we give to them? How much efforts are invested in the
agriculture sector? We have a food and agriculture minister who is more concerned about a rival cricket association rather than the increasing number of suicides among the farmers. In the land of Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan the son of the soil dies and no one is at all bothered. It is just read as another piece of news. Haan many people die and this is just another death, why bother about it. This is the typical thinking of we Indians. And this is what we must be proud of, isn't it?
In the name of development poor people are displaced from their homes, beaten by the police and if they oppose we label them as anti to the development process. Instead of giving them alternative option of equivalent compensation in terms of land or employment the government sends the police who like the terrorists without any hesitation don't even spare the women and children and what we educated people do. Just be blind to this situation, for development few people should be displaced, so why take it so seriously. So simple theory is it really? An outsider comes to your house, beats you up and tells that you cannot live in your home, appears very simple, so will we really apply the above theory and give up our house?
Women are progressing a lot. They are becoming presidents, ruling India, becoming CEOs. But are we really respecting them and giving them equal respect.
What respect for women why, this is what most of us think. They are still subjected to the horrific crimes of domestic violence, dowry, rape. Recently only a fashion designer was doused with acid and set to fire.Women get beaten up in their in-laws household just for dowry. What women now even the children are sexually assaulted just for fun and pleasure. Before a girl has come to the world the very right of birth is snatched away from her. And this is all happening in the land where people worship Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Even the Goddess will be ashamed to see such kind of people in our nation who are more worse than devils.
Satymave Jayate, are you saying this to me to follow, no way is what we Indians are. Right from the watchman to the minister we all are corrupt and as black as
the tar. It is urgent, it is necessary, please do it according to the rules are all listened from one ear and thrown out from the other. We are so and so's son, take the money and do the work, oh sure definitely sir is the instant reply you get. Students are getting late for exams, people are unable go to office, work has come to standstill, but for what. Oh a political party is taking out a dharna, traffic jam is obvious. Destruction of public property, burning of buses and law and order is out of hand. What is the police doing? They cannot take action after all they are servants of the political party and not the public. Then who will pay for the heavy
losses, oh don't worry, we the people will. After all our hard earned tax money is for what use. Fill up the losses, invest it in the birthday parties of the politicians. After all it is public's money, so what to worry about?
See what great people are we, aren't we? Oh no we have even more great persons in the list Who are they, oh the great villians of our country our politicians. They are supposed to be the servants of the people. What are you saying, they and servants, forget it? In planes and helicopters they will ride and
according to their wish they will land anywhere they want. They will take huge amount of money in terms of corruption, and say later it is because of the
funds of our party workers. They will play with people's religious beliefs and caste for vote bank politics. And we people blindly fall into their trap and fight among ourselves and result communal riots and caste fights,death of innocent people, blood everywhere. The terrorist who attacked the parliament and must be hanged, will be given a VIP treatment and the widows and families of the soldiers who without any
fear selflessly gave up their lives to save the motherland will be forgetten. This is the India we have invented and for that we must be given a nobel prize.
So on the eve of Independence day I am supposed to rejoice over these facts. What a waste was the sacrifice of the millions of brave people for heartless people like us. But still at the end it is we who can change it, well we have hope and lets hope that the situation changes. The least we can is to remember our freedom fighters and try to follow on their foot steps to build a better nation where there exists no evil and where everyone can really live without any fear.
Jai Hind.
I learnt many knew thing from this article.Your attention on nation is really impressive and ur one of the mentor regarding this issues .I am asking one question to you,wich is exist in my mind:DO u have any partiocular idea
about to reduce farmers death,
how to protect womenrights,
Indian ppl behaviour psycology ,
how to normalize uniform development of various sectors parallelly by ur career,i mean forget abt politicians and other contributors..as a IT professional.
I believe every individual in his or her own capacity can do contribute to make some changes in the society. As an IT professional definitely yes. You can join some ngo, go and meet the people,understand their problems.
Imparting education is one of the ways. You can make the people aware of the role that education plays in one's life.
Talk to the children who are less fortunate than us,teach them,make them know about the world and if possible on your part sponsor them financially for their education.
And as a person from IT field your biggest asset is your technical background. Make full use of it in spreading awareness about various issues. Through new ideas and innovations try to develop new models which are helpful to a common man be it in the form of a traffic control management system or methods for saving water like rain harvesting, making the farmers sell their goods by internet fair shops, egovernance etc...
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